PHY5203.001 Electrodynamics I
Fall 2014
TR 8:30am-9:45 am

AET 0.102

Instructor:           Dr. Liao Y. Chen (
Office:                AET 3.396
Office Hours:      TR 12:30pm-1:30pm
Email:        (Please  email to this address to get  prompt response.)

Course web page: (where you will find your course related materials)

Textbooks: Classical Electrodynamics, by John David Jackson 3rd ed. (John Wiley)

                  The Classical Theory of Fields, 4th Revised English Edition, by L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz (Elsevier)

Course outline: 

 Electrostatics,  Magnetostatics, Electromagnetic waves, and Einstein's theory of relativity.

Objectives include:

1. Gaining factual knowledge and learning the basic concepts and principles of physics.

            2. Strengthening an understanding of the concepts and principles through a broad range of interesting applications to the real world.

            3. Learning sound physical arguments and problem-solving methodology to improve critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Exams: There will be two options:

Option I: Two midterm and one final exams as scheduled.

Option II: Turning in all assignments on time in the corresponding periods.

You can use help from human or nonhuman sources as long as you are not copying without understanding. When your logic is clear and perfect, you will earn the points. In another word, if the instructor judges that you truly know how to solve the problem, you will get 100% of the points for that exam.

In order to prevent "copying without understanding", at the instructor's discretion, you may be chosen to work through a problem you have done on black board during lecture times.

Homework & classroom performance: Homework problems will be assigned in every class meeting and due in exactly one week. Turning in assignments late will result in deduction of points. Absence and non-participation will result in deduction of points.

Grading: The best of the three exams counts 45%, the second best 35%, and the other 20%.

Final Grade:      A>=90,B>=80,C>=65,D>=50,F<50

There will be no curve; you will simply be awarded the grade you earn, strictly according to the aforementioned formulas.

There will be no makeups

Roadrunner Creed and Honor Code: